being healthy doesn’t have to be hard!

a weight-inclusive approach to health

food choices illustration
health coaching


one-on-one health coaching on the phone or online

healthy food


tutorials, tips & super simple recipes!

online group class


choose from group or diy courses

Being healthy is not about weight loss. (yay!) Being healthy is being able to sleep well at night, eating without getting an upset stomach, having few aches or pains, even in your later years, feeling strong, flexible and at peace. Thin people get sick too. The problem is, many people have stopped listening to what their bodies are trying to tell them, sometimes on a daily basis. When we depend on medications to make ourselves feel better, it may create a temporary feeling of well-being, but this method doesn’t actually solve the problem. Getting to the root cause of what is making you feel bad will make the symptoms go away naturally and, in most cases, for good.

Hello! My name is Christina Moyes. As a holistic health coach, cooking instructor and mother of three, I am here to empower you to take control of your health so you can feel better, have more energy, less pain and start living your best life!

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Schedule your FREE 45 minute “Coffee n Coaching” Session Today! Grab your favorite cup of joe and take some time for you!